Posts in: travel

Whistler, Canada - March 2023

The second ski trip of the 2023 season is in the books. This year has been lighter on ski trips. The reason is in part because I sold the Subaru Forester when we moved to San Francisco. The burden of renting a Tahoe-worthy vehicle is so heavy, that it often discourages what might have been a last minute ski trip. Partly work and the upkeep of a new home has kept me busier than I was last year.

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Ka'anapali Maui — January 2023

To celebrate the New Year, Catie and I continued revenge travelling. After landing back in San Francisco from Rome, Italy on January 1, we turned back around two weeks later to fly to Maui. This was a trip we intended to take in April of 2020 that was postponed over two years by the wrath of Covid on travel. As I’m typing this, we’re two days in and I’ve already seen enough to want to make this a regular January occurence.

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